

It was Saturday morning and i had to wake up quite early and get prepared as i had to leave for parade in the morning... I reached the school around 7.45 and after a short while the promotion started...I was looking forward to it cos it was my first time marking the boys as a primer and yeah it was a pretty tiring day i must say.. The promotion results were announced later on in the afternoon and i was pretty glad that almost all of them passed and My CONGRATS to SGT Cheng Wee on attaining his STAFF SERGEANT rank.. haha.. i can see that he has worked his butt off for that rank for the past four years and yeah once again congrats....:)
After the promotion the PD team actually had a performance at the junior bb adventure quest closing ceremony and we actually reached there pretty early and i car jun and ming fa actually went outside to buy back drinks and stuff for the team..The weather was FUCKING hot i mus say.. Damn i was sweating the whole day even though i did not do anything that would actually make a person sweat.. haha anyways when we went ot buy drinks car jun actually bought B&J ice cream for the three of us.. It was as thought i had a gift from heaven...:P i havent had B&J for more than two months .. i had a good time of indulgence in the ice cream and i was back by the time the performance was gonna start soon but they were awaiting the arrival of the Mp.. Finally she arrived after a long long wait and she gave her opening speech and soon after that the performance started adn i must say it was nto really the best performance i have seen so far but anyways good job guys...... After that i was on my way back to church and here are some pictures i took with aloy,li xian, jeol sim and kaye..:)


Well where do i start...I am beginning to forget things.. haha.. hopefully i am not getting old so fast .. :)
I shall write what i can remember.. if i am not wrong last week thursday i went for the movie orphanage.... Well it was quite a fucked up movie simply cos the climax kept getting higher and higher and never ended..The movie actually finished quite late and i was on my way home by around 11 or something...i onli remember that i was not able to sleep peacefully simply cos of the movie.. i kept thinking about it for a long long time and in the end i somehow managed to catch some sleep>>
The next day i woke up quite late and i went off to BB hq to get my primer uniform:) i reached there around 1.45 and the rest of the officers came shortly after that..More than an hour passed by just by talking to all of them and choosing the uniform alone.. After that i was on my way to school as they were having their speech day celebrations... Overall i thought it was boring.. The only highlight of the program which i thought was not so boring was the parade and the precision drill segment.. Haha after that i actually went home straight cos i had some important stuff to do and so my day was over and was looking forward to the weekends...:)